The Ultimate Product Sales Video Example

The Ultimate Product Sales Video Example

If you had an information product that you wanted to sell online, how would you do that? How would you sell an information product online? In particular, how would you create a sales video to sell your product? This is part three of a three-part series on how to create the ultimate product sales video. […]

Four Phases of the Ultimate Product Sales Video

Four Phases of the Ultimate Product Sales Video

If you had an information product that you wanted to sell online, how would you do that? In the previous post, I shared the two essentials of the ultimate product sales video. This presumes two things. First with more people watching more videos your sales process must include a sales video. Second, you need to […]

Two Essentials of the Ultimate Product Sales Video

Two Essentials of the Ultimate Product Sales Video

If you had an information product that you wanted to sell online, how would you do that? To sell anything online you need a sales page with clear copy and powerful images. But is that enough? In today’s world, you also need a sales video. In this episode of how to make money from your […]

Is Ko-fi better than Patreon to make money from content?

Is Ko-fi better than Patreon to make money from content?

I want to make money from my content. Is Patreon or Ko-fi a viable way to do this? And which is better? Should I set up a Patreon page or a Ko-fi page? How YouTubers Make Money from their Content I’ve been looking at lots of other video creators as to how they make money […]

Do this First – How to Make Money from Content

Do this first - How to Make Money from Content

To make money from your content, what’s the first thing you must do? If you start in the wrong place, you’ll slow down your progress and waste your time effort and attention. In this post, I’ll show you the step-by-step process where I start – including the three things I consider to make money from […]

Best and Worst Times to Make Money from Content

The Best and Worst Times to Make Money from Content

When is the best time to make money from your content? And when is the worst? In this post, I’ll share what marketing expert Seth Godin said about the best time plus I’ll share some of the mistakes I’ve made that you want to avoid – the worst time to make money from your content […]

Do this to Make Money from your Content Creation

Do this to Make Money from your Content Creation

How do you make money as a content creator? This is important because if you can’t make money from your content, then you can’t devote yourself to your content. That means you’ll become a human yo-yo – like I was with my book summary service – you’ll be working on your content creation, then you’ll […]

Seven Questions to Make Money as a Content Creator

Make Money as a Content Creator

How do you make money as a content creator? This is the big question that all content creators face at some time in their careers. In this post, I’ll share the seven key decisions you need to make to earn money as a content creator. And I’ll share my example – as I’m tackling the […]