Seth Godin Asks: Are you a Cog or a Linchpin?

The Connection between Seth Godin’s Purple Cow and Linchpin Seth Godin’s earlier book Purple Cow suggests in the internet world an average product for an average person was no longer effective. Instead, you needed a Purple Cow – a product remarkable enough to get people talking naturally about it. Now, it’s your turn. In Linchpin, […]

Education and Consumerism are Scams

Education and Consumerism are Scams Derived from…Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable PreviouslyHow Work Has Changed RAP2 : How You Became a Cog PROFIT : “Do well at school and you’ll get a good job.” Were you sold this line too? It worked for a while and it no longer does. There are no longer […]

How Work Has Changed

How Work Has Changed Derived from…Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable PreviouslyThe New World of Work RAP1 : The New World of Work (2) Controlled The old system was represented by two parties: those that owned the means to production and those who ran it.In Marx’s terms: the Bourgeoise and the Proletariat, or management and […]

The New World of Work

The New World of Work Derived from…Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable PreviouslyBook Rapper Book Review: Linchpin RAP1 : The New World of WorkPROFIT : Work has changed. The old system relied on average people turning up and completing average work to create average products. In our global hyper-competitive digital online world, average is invisible. […]

Book Rapper Review : Linchpin

Book Rapper Book Review : Linchpin Previously The BookSeth Godin; Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?; Penguin Group; New York; 2010. Précis It’s not enough just to show up at your job anymore.The world of work and commerce has become too competitive for that.A Linchpin is the vital, essential, pivotal element that holds things together.You need to […]

Purple You : Your New Career

Purple You : Your New Career The BookSeth Godin; Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?; Penguin Group; New York; 2010.Seth’s Website Seth’s Blog Speed RAP Seth Godin’s earlier book Purple Cow suggests in the internet world an average product for an average person was no longer effective.Instead, you needed a Purple Cow – a product remarkable enough […]

Leaderful: Super Links to all posts in the series

Leaderful : The Power of Decentralized Organizations Derived From… Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom: The Starfish and the Spider Leaderful: The Power of Decentralized Organizations Review: The Spider and the Starfish Is your organisation a Spider or a Starfish? Can you spot the Starfish Organization? (Quiz) Examples of Centralized and Decentralized Organizations How Decentralization […]

Leaderful: Twit Rapper The Movie

Leaderful: Twit Rapper, The Movie Derived from…Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom; The Starfish and the SpiderPreviouslyTwit Rapper N-Z Get the full Book Rapper issue: Leaderful

Leaderful: A book in 26 tweets: Twit Rapper N-Z

Leaderful: A book in 26 tweets: Twit Rapper N-Z Derived from…Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom; The Starfish and the SpiderPreviouslyTwit Rapper A-MTwit Rapper N-Z3N History of the Music Industry: Starfish > Spider > Starfish: Live travelling performers > Gramophone/Recording Companies > Napster 3O 5 Legs of Decentralized Organizations: Catalyst to start, champion to implement, […]

Leaderful: A book in 26 tweets: Twit Rapper A-M

Leaderful: A book in 26 tweets: Twit Rapper A-M Derived from… Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom; The Starfish and the Spider PreviouslyThe Rules for Building a Decentralized Organization Twit Rapper A-M3A Leaderful: The Power of Decentralized Organizations, Derived from: Ori Brafman and @RodBeckstrom The Spider and the Starfish 3B Big Idea: The internet + […]