Book Review: Business Model Generation

Business Model GenerationThe Book

Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder (left) and Yves Pigneur (right).


Yves Pigneur was Alexander’s PhD supervisor. And, this book was born out of that collaboration. Co-created with 470 practitioners from 45 countries.

Who is it For?

To quote the book cover: “Visionaries, game-changers and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow’s enterprises.”

Visual Delight

Filled with diagrams and not pages of words.

Yves PigneurAlexander OsterwalderPractical

One third of the book is design thinking techniques for you to create or re-invent your business model. Plus numerous examples.

Book Rapper Thinks…

Been using this to re-invent Book Rapper. It works! The canvas makes it easy to visualize alternatives. And, my future is better because of it!

[easyazon-link asin=”0470876417″ locale=”us”]Buy Business Model Generation on Amazon (affiliate)[/easyazon-link]

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