My Blog Shortcuts

ShortcutsYou’d think after 916 blog posts that I’d have it all sorted. And, I haven’t.

At the start of this year I made the public declaration that I was going to blog every single day this year. Today is 173 days in a row. We’re just under half way through the year. Pretty damn good if I say so myself and not quite what I had in mind…

Image: Life’s Road Signs – great site! Worth a visit!

Shortcuts and Goals

As I shared in my earlier post Four Ways to Waste Time, my blog posting practice has been twisted into a game of survival. I’ve been putting up content simply to fulfill my daily quota and I’ve been taking a short-cut to do this by writing about whatever comes to mind. Whilst I think the quality of my posts has stayed high, I haven’t been achieving the real goal that I’d set for myself.

Whilst blogging every day for one year was the way to count progress, the purpose behind this goal was to force me to write content for my books. And, the whole point of writing books is to position myself to attract my ideal work. I haven’t been doing that. For instance, who is going to employ me based on today’s post? I’m willing to admit almost no one…

[Tweet “When you take shortcuts you risk missing your real purpose #goals #purpose”]

My Announcement

My purpose today is to mark the end of what I have been doing and the start of what I will do. Thus, the announcement or declaration of today’s post…

Here are the three chunks that I’m working on.

  1. PURPOSE: Create new worlds, inspire new futures, and provide insight into what is possible.
  2. OBJECTIVE: Write books to position my expertise around creating opportunities for individuals and organisations by tracking what’s going on in the world (trends). My goal is to present at conferences talking about the future of the industry who is holding the event. For instance, The Future of Accounting for the CPA conference.
  3. PRACTICE: Blog daily as the means to writing my books.

So, what does this mean? I’ll keep blogging everyday. And, the content will be more about trends, future scenarios, disruptive innovation, strategy and business opportunities. Plus, tomorrow, I’ll announce the book I’m writing to show you how it all fits together.

QUESTION: What are your three chunks: Purpose, Objective and Practice? And, are you taking any shortcuts?


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