Are you a genius?

Are you a genius?

Derived from…
Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable

Are You a Cog or a Linchpin?

RAP3 : Your Choice (2)

I Am A Genius.
Making the choice to become a Linchpin revolves around this fundamental question:

Are you willing to accept that you are a genius?

All of us have been a genius on at least one occasion.
Can you remember your magic moments?

Most of us don’t think of ourselves as a genius because we expect to be that all the time.
Clearly, a genius doesn’t run late for meetings, lose their car keys or sit on their sunglasses.

None of us are born indispensable.
We need to make ourselves and train ourselves to be Linchpins.

Your choice is to either suppress or ex
press your natural inclinations.
What’s it going to be?

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