Seth Says: Start a Book Club

Seth Says: Start a Book Club
Seth Godin is one of the most popular bloggers on the planet.

Each day you get a slice of wisdom worth contemplating.

In his most recent post, “Is it too late to catch up?” he outlines a simple plan to get your organization up to speed in the digital media space.

The 10 part plan is Simple Seth at his genius best: No fluff. Succinct. Direct.

Step 4 is this:

Start a book group for your top executives and every person who answers the phone, designs a product or interacts with customers. Read a great online media book a week and discuss. It’ll take you about a year to catch up.

That’s music to my ears! That’s exactly what Book Rapper provides!

Here’s our special offer to you…
The Book Rapper issues are all freely available on our website for you to:

  • Download and read
  • Email to as many people you like – everyone in your organization and beyond
  • Add them as a resource to your newsletter email-outs – permission granted!
  • Print and distribute to anyone you want – just mind the trees!
  • Follow Seth’s suggestion: Run a book club based upon them – I prefer ‘In-house Innovation Program’. Discuss the issue for an hour, stepping through each page. Then discuss how to apply them to your situation for the next hour. That’s a neat 2-hour, monthly innovation program ready for you to facilitate. (We can facilitate these sessions for you too!)

The only thing we ask is you don’t edit or sell any of our issues.

And, feel free to share your results, feedback and suggestions so we can help you further.

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