How to Thrive in the Digital Marketing Era

Meatball Sundae: Thriving in the Digital Marketing Era

A quick review of Seth Godin’s book Meatball Sundae…

The Book

Seth Godin, Meatball Sundae, How New Marketing is Transforming the Business World (And How to Thrive In It), Piatkus Books, London 2008.

Speed RAP

The rules of Marketing have changed.

Old Marketing was about selling average products to average people by interrupting them with advertising. It was based on the model of Mass Marketing – one marketing message fits all blasted out to anyone who would listen. Now we’re no longer listening.

New Marketing requires a product worth talking about and tools to attract interested people to your offer. Previously, you could serve up meatballs and win if you had enough money to promote your message to enough people. Now, thanks to digital technology, the Internet and Social Media, we can tailor messages to smaller niche audiences. More so, Seth Godin is pointing to a bigger change than that. He’s saying that talking about yourself is bad for business (think advertising). Instead, you want other people to do the talking for you and this is reliant on your have a product or service that is remarkable – worth remarking on, worth talking about.

BIG Idea

 The rules of Marketing have changed. Old Marketing was about selling average products to average people by interrupting them with advertising. New Marketing requires a product worth talking about and tools to attract interested people to your offer. 

Seth Godin points to something big! Every single business model is under question. New organisations designed to take advantage of the new rules will overtake those trying to add them to their existing operations (adding sweet toppings to your meatballs). If that sounds like your business, look out! 

Your Challenge

Your challenge is to get creative. Rethink your Business Model and Business Plan; rewrite your Marketing Plan. Use the Book Rapper Marketing Map to combine several of Seth’s trends into your new marketing how. Now.

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