44 Actions to build Word of Mouth Marketing

Derived from…
Andy Sernovitz, Word of Mouth Marketing

PROFIT : Now, you have the steps of your word of mouth marketing campaign, here’s some actions to grab, mould and test to see what works best for you. The key is to experiment with lots of little ones. What will you test this week?

  1. Andy Sernovitz's Word of Mouth Marketing bookHave a product launch party
  2. Share a PDF white paper
  3. Give away a free sample
  4. Create video interviews to share
  5. Solve a problem in your blog post
  6. Provide fantasmagorical service
  7. Post on social media
  8. Provide a community scholarship
  9. Call a long lost friend
  10. Have a meetup for fans
  11. Give away your book
  12. Do something outrageous
  13. Hold a special event
  14. Use a special email signature
  15. Share how your business began
  16. Write an unusual ‘About You’ page
  17. Ask for feedback
  18. Write about yourself in a case study
  19. Join an industry group
  20. Design a remarkable product
  21. Build a Ning community
  22. Create a Facebook fan page
  23. Design a meme to share
  24. Add a ‘Tell a Friend’ button
  25. Help someone get what they want
  26. Start an online discussion
  27. Comment on other blogs
  28. Send a birthday card
  29. Create desktop tools to trigger talk
  30. Post a book review on Amazon
  31. Recommend others on LinkedIn
  32. Retweet a post on Twitter
  33. Refer people to your customers
  34. Add a new product line
  35. Fill your website with testimonials
  36. Join a community group
  37. Go to a networking event
  38. Add a time-sensitive special offer
  39. Create a loyalty program
  40. Make exclusive offers to loyal fans
  41. Serve customers via Twitter
  42. Create a private club for top clients
  43. Give away your bumper stickers
  44. Reward with branded t-shirts

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