How to write a manifesto: The two most powerful ways
What are the two most powerful ways to write a manifesto? I’ve worked with a lot of people to help them write a manifesto. One of the mistakes many of them make is they treat it like an all-you-can-eat buffet. They want to pile as much food on their plate as they possibly can. This […]
How to be Creative Anytime Anywhere – Creativity Explained
Learn how to be creative anytime and anywhere. Creativity Explained is not an easy thing, given creativity is an intangible thing (you can’t pick it up and put it neatly into a wheelbarrow). What’s the best way to do this? Rather than give you a long long scientific explanation of what is creativity, let me […]
Five Creativity Synonyms to be more Creative at Work
How can you be more creative at work today? One thing that stops people from being creative at work is the way they define creativity. They see it as being about art and play which is often seen as the opposite of work. To instantly be more creative, use more and different ways to define your […]
The Expert Manifesto – Manifesto Example for Thought Leaders
This is the Expert Manifesto – it’s a manifesto example for thought leaders. It answers the question: If you were setting up your ideal business around your business expertise, what would it look like? What does your ultimate business look like? There are seven principles here to consider… 1 Own your own niche The problem […]
The Business Innovation Super Skill – Skyrocket Your Results
I studied neuroscience to discover the super skill you need to skyrocket your business innovation results. It’s the reason Van Gogh was broke when he died whereas Picasso left an estate worth $750 million. Plus I’ll share seven ways you can build this super skill today to skyrocket your business innovation results. The Big Innovation […]
Manifesto Meaning – Write a Manifesto to Create Your Future
How do you create your future? That’s a pretty important question for all of us – personally, in our careers and in business. And how can you write a manifesto (manifesto meaning) to do this? Today, I’ll answer both of these questions. Manifesto Meaning Let’s start with manifesto meaning. What does the word manifesto mean? […]