Community: An Update to the Update
In my previous post I suggested that one of the hot trends at the moment was around ‘community’. I stick with that assertion and let me clarify it a little further… Communities, tribes, clusters have been around for yonks. They’re not new. Living in a cave with a couple of families was probably our first […]
One is good, many is better…
The Bees Wees: One is good, many is better… The Book: Barry Libert and Jon Spector and thousands of Contributors; We Are Smarter Than Me: How to Unleash the Power of Crowds in Your Business To learn about the power of community-at-work look to the natural world. An individual bee, with its modest brain, is […]
How the Internet is Shaping Your Organisation
The Book: Ori Brafman & Rod A. Beckstrom; The Starfish and the Spider; The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations, Portfolio (Penguin), London, 2006. Our Context During the Cold War, the Americans and the Russians were engaged in an escalating battle of espionage and defence. It was thought impossible that a plane could get anywhere near […]
Tim Ferris – The Four Hour Work Week
The Four Hour JOLT! Business/Self development books bring to mind sheep in wolfs clothing; they’re a better fit with ‘auto-biography’ than the ‘fix it’ genre. What they represent is life experience pulled together, bowerbird style, into a personal ethic, philosophy, research paper, manual, etc. The unifying theme is: ‘buy my book/ebook; CD/DVD; workshop/seminar, and, I’ll […]