It’s Official: 20,000 downloads!

Book Rapper has reached a spectacular milestone – we’ve just passed 20,000 issues being downloaded!

20,000 downloads!The official count of 20,390 was reached on Friday October 15, 2010.

It’s official because this is what our web server statistics tell us.

This includes…

  • The period between January 2008 and August 2009 where a modest 534 issues were downloaded.
  • Since then, we’ve had 19870 downloaded in 14 1/2 months. That’s an average of 1370 a month.

It doesn’t include…

  • All the issues that have been passed on person to person – that weren’t downloaded directly from our website.
  • Nor does it include an estimated 5,000 to 10,000 issues that were downloaded and passed on from syndicates and branded copies. These are the unofficial stats – the guesstimate.
  • And it doesn’t include the trial issue and the first two issues. The first issue went out under ‘The Idea Service’. Issue 2 went out as ‘Corporate Book Club’. Neither of these were on the Book Rapper server.

The goal for 2010 is also 20,000.
Currently for this year we’ve reached 13,634.
We were well on track to reach this target uptil May.
Then Google changed it’s algorithm and the stats dropped a whopping 63% in June and July.
We’re moving again now and might still make it…

Thanks to you! We couldn’t have done it without you!
Keep spreading the word! And may the best be yet to come…

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