13 Connect With Email

Part 13 of 27 Social Media Lessons From Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaign

Obama’s Campaign relied upon Email’s speed, currency and agility.

27 Social Media Lessons from Barack Obama's Presidential CampaignThis was the first campaign where email was considered equal to other communication tools. And, it was the most common way to touch base with supporters because it was fast, agile and current. Growing the list was a priority of the campaign. 13 million signed up through a series of small incentives that included offering bumper stickers and badges. Obama’s emails were either written by a speech writer or transcribed from his mouth. The style was : brief, concise, written as if spoken, included a mix of text/pictures/links and were more intimate than other communication modes.
Action : Build your email list as a priority.
Action : Develop a style guide for your emails and stick to it.

Derived from Rahaf Harfoush, Yes We Did

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