Word of Mouth Marketing Rules (2)

Derived from…
Andy Sernovitz, Word of Mouth Marketing

WOM Marketing Rules

Word of Mouth Marketing RulesHere’s 4 basic rules for word of mouth marketing.

1 Be Interesting

As Seth Godin might have said, black and white cows are fairly common. However, a Purple Cow, now that’s interesting. You need to create a reason for people to talk about you. Are you worthy of being talked about?

2 Make it Easy

If it takes me 10 minutes to explain what you do, then it’s all too hard and I won’t bother. Make it easy for people to talk about you by creating a super-simple message. And, help people share it.

3 Make People Happy

We’re emotional beings. And if you want people to talk about you then you’ll need to excite them. The goal is clearly not to upset them. It’s to make them satisfied, thrilled and happy.

4 Earn Trust and Respect

What do you say to others about your bank? Do you trust and respect them? When a fan recommends you they are putting their name on the line. And, they’ll only be proud to tell your story if they truly trust and respect you.

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