What is a brand?

In 60 Minute Brand Strategist, Idries Moottee suggests:

Brand is unarguably the most powerful business tool ever invented. (Pix).

That’s a big call! So, what is a brand?

What is a brand?

Mootee puts it’s very simply:Idries Mootee - 60 Minute Brand Strategist

  • A Point of View – Your brand is what you base your business strategy on.
  • A Customer Value – It’s something that is valued by your customers and not just fluff, spin, images, sound bites or fancy ads.
  • A Competitive Advantage – Your brand is a business asset that provides an advantage in the marketplace. The best brand wins!
  • Engineered – Your brand grows when it is strategically designed and built. It doesn’t just happen by itself…
  • Alive – The meaning people put on your identity becomes your brand. This includes the products and services plus the culture and standards of the organization.
  • Logic and Emotion – Branding is both art and science.

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What a Brand is NOT

And, Mootee again describes what is not a brand:

  • Not about Marketing activities – your brand is higher up the priority list than this. It’s not your advertisements either!
  • Not your Products or Services – these are tangible expressions of your brand only
  • Not a Trademark – this is a legal piece of intellectual property. Again it’s only one expression of the total brand.
  • Not a Mission Statement – this is simply a reminder of your business goal. This applies to your manifesto also.
  • Not a Logo or Slogan – again these are expressions of a brand, not the entire thing.


Idries Moottee, 60 Minute Brand Strategist, P8-9

COMMENT: How do these principles fit with your view of what a brand is and isn’t?


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