Tribal Leadership: Book Review

Tribal Leadership BookThe Tribal Leadership Book

Dave Logan, John King and Halee Fischer-Wright
Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization

Resource-filled website :

The Big Idea

Culture trumps all. And, cultures are built on the words people use to describe their worlds. Shift the words and you’ll shift actions and the tribe itself.

Speed RAP

Every tribe has a dominant culture and Tribal Leadership has five levels of culture. Stages One to Three are low performing teams. The goal is to be stable at Stage Four with the occasional step into Stage Five.

[Tweet “Tribal Leadership is a great #book for any leader wanting to upgrade their #culture.”]

Your Challenge

Lead your tribe. Listen to how your tribe talks and notice the relationships they build. Then use the leverage points to raise the level of your tribe.

My Opinion

The number one challenge for every business is to build a community or a tribe. This includes your internal team, your suppliers and customers. The Tribal Leadership book is a road map for today’s biggest organisational challenge.


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