The Four Hour Jolt! Part 1

The Four Hour Jolt! Part 1
Derived from Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Work Week
New and Expanded Edition now available.

The Book
The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich, Vermillion, London, 2007.

The Author
Timothy Ferriss
Timothy’s Blog:

Speed RAP
Our live-to-work culture is obsolete.

The Industrial Revolution’s 40 hour a week Deferred Lifestyle has reached retirement age.

For the
first time in 200 years you can re-frame your work ethic into a personal DIY ethic.
The three currencies of this global, digital revolution are TIME, INCOME and MOBILITY.

The new DEAL is to:

  • Define what you want
  • Eliminate everything extraneous
  • Automate your income streams and,
  • Liberate yourself to live the way you say you want.

People best placed to truly pull off a mobile lifestyle will already have a lot of skills and knowledge in place.
However, EVERYONE can benefit from following Tim Ferriss’ repeatable process.

How much is up to you!

Your Challenge
Spin the diamond; face the mirror!

What do you see?

Now, step into our inspirational, yet risky, RAP and define who the ‘real’ you wants to see mirrored in your eyes each morning.

JOLT the way you think about work and metamorphose the way you live.

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