Ten of the Best NO Manifesto Examples

Ten of the Best NO Manifesto Examples

Manifestos are about change and there are two types of change. You’re either saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to something. Today I share ten Manifesto examples that say NO. It will help inspire you to write your manifesto. Plus, I share a simple two-step strategy to help you write your NO Manifesto. 1 Yvonne Rainer, No […]

How to write a manifesto: The two most powerful ways

How to write a manifesto - the two most powerful ways

What are the two most powerful ways to write a manifesto? I’ve worked with a lot of people to help them write a manifesto. One of the mistakes many of them make is they treat it like an all-you-can-eat buffet. They want to pile as much food on their plate as they possibly can. This […]

How to Write a Manifesto – 9 Questions, 9 Manifesto Examples

How to Write a Manifesto - Nine Questions, Nine Manifesto Examples

How to write a manifesto How to write a manifesto, create a vision or define your brand? You answer these nine questions. The key is to find the right angle – the viewpoint that helps you stand up for what you believe in and stand out in the noisy marketplace. You do want to be […]

Yvonne Rainer: The No Manifesto

Manifestos often pop up in the arts as a means to draw a line in the sand. They intend to end one expression and launch another. That makes sense because the writer of the new manifesto wants to share their vision of what’s possible. And that is only achievable if you ditch the old way […]