My Best 10 Tips for Writing a Book for the First Time

My Best Ten Tips for Writing a Book for the First Time

If you were sitting down in front of me and asked, ‘What are the best tips for writing a book for the first time, how would you answer?’ That’s a great question. I’ve written and self-published 10 books and each time I start a new book I’m giddy with excitement. But what are writing tips […]

The best project planning template for thought leadership

The best project planning template for thought leadership content

What’s the best project planning template for thought leadership content? Surprisingly, it’s not a project planning template at all. But it is something that people have been doing for thousands of years in every culture on the planet. Plus, with a little practice, you can use it to define your next project plan on a […]

Seven ways to have a Content Creation Breakthrough

Seven Ways to Have a Content Creation Breakthrough

To get better results from your content creation you need to create better content. Today this is more important than ever because more content creators are publishing more content every single day. If you’re not producing better quality content, then you’re being left behind. But how do you take your content creation to the next […]

How to overcome your Project Management Challenges

Project management challenges Despite the best planning in the world, there are always going to be project management challenges. Typically, these include: Not meeting deadlines Unclear goals and objectives Team issues Communication challenges Technical problems Scope creep Risks to manage and avoid If you believe Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. […]

The Four Types of Planning in Management

What is Planning in Management? Planning in management is a crucial part of how to take effective action. But what is it and how do we do it well? Planning is such a common word, but what specifically do we mean when we say ‘we are going to do some planning’? The word ‘plan’ is […]

Accountability – what it is, why you need it, how to do it

Accountability and Partnership

Accountability Meaning, Definition What do we mean when we say ‘accountability’? I believe ‘to be held to account’ is an important management idea, except it’s almost become a cliché. Or, as political writer Don Watson might have called it ‘a weasel word’ – a concept we use to mask over what’s really going on. The […]

The Ultimate Guide to creating and completing your Task List Today

Project Tasks and Planning All task lists need to start with a project. One of the key reasons that I started Project Done and wrote my books Done and Weekly Done was to help other people get more done. What I often found when talking to people was that they had a big long task […]

The easy solution to being overwhelmed and stressed out at work

Feeling Overwhelmed? What does that mean? Are you stressed out and overwhelmed right now? I used to suffer a lot from overwhelm. I’d be in a situation and all of a sudden it would all get too much and I’d have a meltdown and let off some steam. What does overwhelm mean? And is there […]

Pomodoro Technique: Work smart and get more work done

Work Smart What’s the Pomodoro Technique and how can it help you get more done? We’ve all been told at some point that we need to work smarter to get more work done. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself: What does it mean to ‘work smart’? The holy grail of productivity is to: […]

Multi tasking and Mindfulness – Win the war on workplace stress

Multi tasking and mindfulness = win workplace stress war

The Rise of Workplace stress There is a war going on in our workplaces being fought out between Multi Tasking and Mindfulness. One camp wants to us do more and faster. The other wants us to do more by doing one thing more slowly. The big casualty of this war is the wellbeing of our […]