Manifesto Meaning – Write a Manifesto to Create Your Future

Manifesto Meaning - How to write a manifesto to create your future

How do you create your future? That’s a pretty important question for all of us – personally, in our careers and in business. And how can you write a manifesto (manifesto meaning) to do this? Today, I’ll answer both of these questions. Manifesto Meaning Let’s start with manifesto meaning. What does the word manifesto mean? […]

How to Write a Manifesto – 9 Questions, 9 Manifesto Examples

How to Write a Manifesto - Nine Questions, Nine Manifesto Examples

How to write a manifesto How to write a manifesto, create a vision or define your brand? You answer these nine questions. The key is to find the right angle – the viewpoint that helps you stand up for what you believe in and stand out in the noisy marketplace. You do want to be […]

Three big reasons to write a Thought Leader Manifesto

Three big reasons to write a thought leader mannifesto

The three big reasons to write a thought leader manifesto, answer the three big problems faced by business experts, consultants and professional service firms. How do you: Show up to potential clients as a solution to their problems? Scale your ideas and grow your business? Overcome the fear associated with sharing bold ideas? The good […]

US Declaration of Independence (Part 2)

In our previous post we looked at the US Declaration of Independence in the context of its declaration of human rights. In this post, we look at the specific section where independence from Britain was declared. The middle section of the Declaration of Independence lists 27 reasons as to why they are seeking to create […]

US Declaration of Independence (Part 1)

Mostly we associate manifestos with politics. And perhaps, the most famous political manifesto is the US Declaration of Independence written in 1774, We’re going to look at this important manifesto in two parts. In this post, the declaration of rights. And, in our next post, the specific declaration of independence. The famous sentence is a […]