Book Writing Tips – Write your book easier

Book Writing Tips to Write Your Book Easier

You’ve decided to write a book. Great. Now, do you want to write it the hard way or the easy way? Writing a book is not easy Writing a book is not easy. I’ve written and finished ten of them and started more than 25 others that I haven’t finished. If it was easy, I would […]

The Four Types of Planning in Management

What is Planning in Management? Planning in management is a crucial part of how to take effective action. But what is it and how do we do it well? Planning is such a common word, but what specifically do we mean when we say ‘we are going to do some planning’? The word ‘plan’ is […]

Four Types of Manifestos

Write a Manifesto Four Ways - The Four Types of Manifesto

What are the four types of manifestos? Knowing this will help you write a manifesto to create your future, and possibly the future of those around you as well. [Updated and Expanded Dec 2022] There are four main ways to write a manifesto because there are four types of manifestos. But which one is the […]

The second four Properties of Information

The second four Properties of Information, continued from previous post. 5 Circulation Send a letter. One for each person, physically copied and sent. Send electronic mail. Send once and received by as many people as desired. Easier circulation, circulates more information. 6 Concentration Information can be concentrated. Store an entire set of encyclopaedia on one […]

The first four Properties of Information

What are the common threads linking decentralized marketing, word of mouth marketing, viral loops and viral networks? The short answer is it’s the same question we’ve been asking in all of our Book Rapper issues: What does it mean to be living in the Information/Knowledge/Digital Age? Typically, it shows itself as the old way and […]