Can you have more than one Life’s Work?

Can you have more than one Life's Work?

How many Life’s Work can you have? Normally, we think of our Life’s Work as our our job, career or work. But previously, I shared eight different types of Life’s Work. Which raises some questions. How many Life’s Work can you have? And how many is too many? ? ONE A Single Focus Let’s start with one […]

David Goggins and the One Thing Stopping Your Success

David Goggins and the One Thing Stopping Your Success

What’s the number one thing stopping you from fulfilling your Life’s Work? It’s not what you think. It’s not a lack of time, a lack of passion or a lack of opportunity. David Goggins has been called the toughest man on the planet. He has the answer. ? Who is David Goggins? David Goggins is […]

Four Questions to Win the Game of Life

Four Questions to Win the Game of Life

I’m a sports nut. I’ll watch almost any sport – especially Aussie Rules football. And from watching and playing a lot of sports, I know that players don’t just go out onto the field and run around like mad fools. They just don’t turn up and expect to win. Instead, they plan. They create a game […]

The best project planning template for thought leadership

The best project planning template for thought leadership content

What’s the best project planning template for thought leadership content? Surprisingly, it’s not a project planning template at all. But it is something that people have been doing for thousands of years in every culture on the planet. Plus, with a little practice, you can use it to define your next project plan on a […]