Susan Orlean Create Powerful Stories

Susan Orlean - Create Powerful Stories

Susan Orlean is a staff writer at the New Yorker, author of numerous books and author of the Skillshare course ‘Creative Non-Fiction’. In a recent interview with Mitch Joel on the Twist Image podcast (episode #434) she shares the key to creating powerful stories.

Susan OrleanThe key is to be able to switch mindsets from learner to teacher. The learner is a curious student who openly admits ‘I don’t know this’. In contrast, the teacher knows the material well enough to weave a story for others to learn it.

To make the transition from learner to teacher and researcher to writer one needs to reflect, ponder and consider what has been learnt and how best to share this with others.

By having two distinct mindsets you give yourself a greater chance of producing a more powerful story.

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