Scott Belsky: Making Ideas Happen

Scott Belsky - Making Ideas HappenScott Belsky

Scott Belsky is the founder and CEO of Behance. It’s the worlds leading platform for creative professionals with millions of visits each month. In 2010, Fast Company named him one of the top 100 most creative people on the web.

This is the first in a series of books on the implementation of creative ideas. The second book in the series is called Manage Your Day-to-Day, followed by Maximize Your Potential and coming soon, Make Your Mark.

Our Topic

In the Ideas Economy, having great ideas is a great start. And, that’s all it is. If you can’t make your ideas happen then you’ve got fresh air. Also, having ideas is relatively easy. Turning these visions into reality is the hard work. And, this book makes it easier to make your ideas happen.

In this Podcast Episode

  • Ideas Architect PodcastHow good are you at coming up with ideas?
  • How good are you at making them happen?
  • What do you get from NOT executing on your ideas?
  • The three key steps to making your ideas happen
  • Four ways to get organized
  • Why you need projects
  • The one thing that is scarcer than your time
  • Four crucial parts to Collaboration
  • Why hoarding ideas is reverse stealing
  • How to foster creativity AND maintain accountability
  • How to pollinate the market
  • Why self-leadership is absolutely essential
  • Why rewards for creative work need to be different

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