Review: Sell Your Thoughts

Matt Church, Peter Cook and Scott Stein; Sell Your Thoughts; Harper Collins Publishers, Auckland, NZ; 2011.

Matt Church, Peter Cook, Scott Stein : Sell Your Thoughts Disclosure

This was a gift from one of the authors for my assistance with a small part of the text. Plus, I’m a former mentor and current ambassador for Thought Leaders. Even better, I get a plug as a being the guru for designing board games to leverage your training expertise. Gotta love that! Thanks for the rap guys!

Given I’ve been involved in Thought Leaders you’re going to expect me to love the content in this book – and I do! It’s a seriously solid strategy filled to the brim with suggestions for individuals wanting to package and sell their intellectual property.

A Super Book Structure

In my list of the Top Ten Most Influential Books I Read in 2011, I rated Loehr and Schwartz book: The Power of Full Engagement the number two book.

The three things I loved about that book were…
1 A big idea
2 Strategies for fulfilling the big idea.
3 Examples and case studies of people who have done it.

The Three Book Elements

And this book mirrors that simple and effective structure.

The big idea is to earn a million dollars a year as a Thought Leader.

The strategy includes:
• Building a practice, not a business
• Creating clusters of message, market and delivery mode
• A revenue ladder using the metaphor of the belt system in martial arts, and
• What to do with your money once you make it.

And, there are eight great case studies of million dollar experts that are 3-5 pages in length.

Buy it and devour it if you’re serious about earning money from what you know.

Buy the book here at Peter Cook’s website (one of the authors)



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