Marketing Conversations

Previously we shared the three phases of Content Production to highlight how you’ll need to manage the flow of your conversational content.

Today we want to share the six phases of conversation. It’s a conceptual framework and direction map for where marketing is heading and a replacement for the traditional 4Ps of Marketing – Product, Place, Price and Promotion.Marketing Conversations

1 Content

Content is still king. If you don’t have the content you won’t have the interest to engage and enrich. It’s time to share and care about your customers. This is the foundation stone for the other six C’s. Your website will not be effective if it’s only a means of transaction – create an experience as well.

2 Commerce

Let’s not forget why we’re doing this in the first place. It’s for the fun of it! No it’s not, it’s for the money! Commerce is important and shouldn’t rule everything. Commerce is the balancing act between consumer and branding/marketing.

3 Community

Can you hear US now? The wisdom of the crowd is shaping your brand whether you like it or not. People are talking about you, for better and for worse. It’s time to take a stand. Define a movement, build a cult(ure) and create belonging and partnership.

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4 Context

The Context defines the current moment. We need to change our marketing communication context. It no longer starts and ends with you. You’re only one player. When and where does a consumer interact with you? It’s time we started talking with our customers rather than shouting at them.

5 Conversation

That’s what this whole book/RAP is about. Let down your guard, open your mind and see what happens when you jump into a dialogue with your customers. It might be a little uncomfortable at first – all new things are. And, you’ll get the hang of it soon enough.

6 Customization

No human beings are created the same. That’s what sparked the need for conversation in the first place. If we were all the same then mass marketing would still work. Arguably this one is the most important of the six C’s.

7 Consumer

If the 5th P is People, then the 7th C needs to be the Consumer. Conversational Marketing only works if its Consumer centric, otherwise it’s just more Communication talking at your customers.

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This is from the Book Rapper issue Talk With Me that is derived from: Joseph Jaffe’s fabulous book Join the Conversation.


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