iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs – Part 6

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs – Part 6
Derived from: Carmine Gallo; The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

RAP5 : Stand and Deliver

: At some point, you need to face the music, get on stage and strut your stuff. Here’s three things to consider as you stand and deliver your big idea.

Watch the video, read the RAP and apply it.


Share the Stage

“Using Keynote is like having a professional graphics department to create your slides. This is the application to use when your presentation really counts.”
Steve Jobs

Our brains crave variety. After 10 minutes we need a break.
There are many ways to do this. Change the topic, the pace or the activity.
Add a video clip. If it’s short, sharp and sensational, why not play it again. Steve does. Want to see it again?
Add some evidence, testimonials and endorsements from others.
Even better, add another person to your presentation. Get an audience member, a pre-planned guest or a presentation partner to join you on stage.

Playing Dress-Ups

“The all-new iPod nano gives music fans more of what they love in their iPods – twice the storage capacity at the same price…
Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is renowned for wearing blue jeans, a black sweatshirt and a pair of running shoes on stage.
It’s his corporate uniform.
It works because he’s a billionaire, he’s the CEO and he has a reasonably good record at creating insanely great products.
He’s also a rebel and they’re not supposed to fit in.
And, they are an expensive brand of jeans.
If this is your thing, go for it.
Enough said.
So, what are you going to wear?
Here’s some rules of thumb to consider…

  • Dress to be the person you want to become.
  • Dress a little better than everyone else in the room.
  • Be appropriate for the culture you’re addressing. Even Jobs wore a suit to meet a banker.

Prop Me Up!

“With Time Capsule, all your irreplaceable photos, movies and documents are automatically protected and incredibly easy to retrieve if they are ever lost.”
Steve Jobs

Most of Jobs’ presentations are product launches.
He goes further than talking about, explaining and describing these wonderful new toys.
Jobs is the master of the demo. They’re short, simple and well-rehearsed.
He has fun, knows how they work and focuses the audiences attention on him.
An easy trap to fall into is to demonstrate ALL the features of a new technology. Don’t!
Jobs highlights a handful of killer applications only. He’s not trying to show you the full movie, only the trailer to get you interested.
Demos and props are insanely great for drawing on the various learning styles of your audience.
There’s something to look at, to listen to and touch.
If you’re not comfortable with a demo – get someone else to do it for you.

Get the complete iPresent issue from www.bookrapper.com

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