How to Succeed in 10,000 Hours

Anti-Self-Help: How to Succeed in 10,000 Hours The Books

Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers AND Geoff Colvin’s Talent is Overrated – A special issue double act!

The Big Idea

Success is not simply a function of talent. In fact, ‘natural’ talent may have very little to do with it at all.

Speed RAP

To be a world-class performer requires two specific factors: the community in which the individual lives and works; and, an individual’s effort over time. Passion and innate talent bring up the rear.

Gladwell’s Outlier’s promotes the role of the social context as the decisive factor in top performance. Colvin’s Talent is Overrated promotes ‘deliberate practice’ as the path to greatness.

Both concur. It takes a long time to reach mastery. Success rewards the individual who puts in an apprenticeship of around 10,000 hours. That’s 3 hours every day for ten years. Mastery is based in practise. It’s applied experience over time.

People get good at the things they love doing – why else would you spend 10,000 hours falling over, making mistakes and working your butt off?

Your Challenge

Be a top performer in your field. Are you up for it? In this issue we show you how. Now create your plan and implement. Do the work. Enjoy the journey. Otherwise it’ll just be another nice read.


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