13 of the best Social Purpose Statement Examples

13 of the Best Social Purpose Statement Examples

Previously, I shared 11 corporate purpose statement examples. I thought they were generic – many companies could claim the same statements. Which raises the question: what does a great purpose statement look like? Today I share 13 of the best social brands or not-for-profit organisation purpose statements. They’re better examples than the corporate ones because […]

11 of the Best Purpose Statement Examples to Inspire You

11 of the Best Purpose Statement Examples to Inspire You

Today I’m sharing 11 purpose statement examples from global companies. You’ll know the companies but you may not know their purpose statement. Your purpose is an intention – a stated goal or reason for doing something. And a purpose statement declares the core reason for an organization’s existence. It’s answering the question: Why does this company […]

12 Personal Mission Statement Examples by Famous People

12 Personal Mission Statement Examples by Famous People

Your personal mission statement is a way for you to state your mission or assignment in your life. To inspire you to write your personal mission statement, here are 12 personal mission statement examples from famous people – including one controversial example. Borrow from them and adapt them to define your mission. If you want […]

What is a manifesto? 21 Synonyms for Manifesto

What is a manifesto? 21 Synonyms for Manifesto

What is a manifesto? To find out the obvious thing to do is look up a dictionary definition. But manifesto is an umbrella term. Which means it’s a catch-all for a lot of other words. Therefore, it makes more sense to define a manifesto by looking for manifesto synonyms – other words that mean the […]

Ten of the Best YES Manifesto Examples

Ten of the Best YES Manifesto Examples

All of these manifesto examples are about one thing: change. But what sort of change do you want to make? There are two basic types of change. You’re either saying NO to something or YES to something. You might also think of this as away from (I don’t want that) and toward (I do want […]

Ten of the Best NO Manifesto Examples

Ten of the Best NO Manifesto Examples

Manifestos are about change and there are two types of change. You’re either saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to something. Today I share ten Manifesto examples that say NO. It will help inspire you to write your manifesto. Plus, I share a simple two-step strategy to help you write your NO Manifesto. 1 Yvonne Rainer, No […]

How to write a manifesto: The two most powerful ways

How to write a manifesto - the two most powerful ways

What are the two most powerful ways to write a manifesto? I’ve worked with a lot of people to help them write a manifesto. One of the mistakes many of them make is they treat it like an all-you-can-eat buffet. They want to pile as much food on their plate as they possibly can. This […]

The Expert Manifesto – Manifesto Example for Thought Leaders

The Expert Manifesto - A Thought Leadership Manifesto Example

This is the Expert Manifesto – it’s a manifesto example for thought leaders. It answers the question: If you were setting up your ideal business around your business expertise, what would it look like? What does your ultimate business look like? There are seven principles here to consider… 1 Own your own niche The problem […]

Manifesto Meaning – Write a Manifesto to Create Your Future

Manifesto Meaning - How to write a manifesto to create your future

How do you create your future? That’s a pretty important question for all of us – personally, in our careers and in business. And how can you write a manifesto (manifesto meaning) to do this? Today, I’ll answer both of these questions. Manifesto Meaning Let’s start with manifesto meaning. What does the word manifesto mean? […]

The ONLY Reason to Write a Manifesto

The ONLY reason to write a manifesto

I analysed over 250 manifestos and realised there is only one reason to write a manifesto. Do you need to write a manifesto? You might think you do because your friends or colleagues have created one. Or because Seth Godin’s latest best-selling book is one. (The Song of Significance – A New Manifesto for Teams) […]