Book Review: The Impact Equation

The Impact Equation

The Book

Chris Brogan and Julien Smith
The Impact Equation: Are you making things happen or just making noise?
Portfolio, Penguin; London 2012.

The Big Idea

Having a big idea is not enough. It needs to create impact. And, to do this you need a combination of the following ingredients: C x (R+E+A+T+E). In other words Impact is a combination of Contrast, Reach, Exposure, Articulation, Trust and Echo.

Speed RAP

It’s relatively easy to make a lot of noise – particularly online. All the tools are there, simply broadcast your message as far and as wide as possible. Wrong! That’s the old way of doing things. Social media is not mass media. And, this old way probably won’t get you the results you want. Instead, design, define and refine your ideas in a way that reaches out to individuals and you’re likely to have a greater impact.

Your Challenge

Make an impact! The tools are freely available to share your message. This book gives you clues for being heard.

Book Rapper Says…

Most of this book occurs as common sense to me. There were few flashes of brilliance. This can be interpreted as either (a) I expected too much or (b) this book is for people starting out in the online world and making things happen.

We rapped Brogan and Smith’s earlier book, Trust Agents as WebLine.

[easyazon-link asin=”1591844908″ locale=”us”]Buy The Impact Equation on Amazon[/easyazon-link]

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