Book Review : Grow by Jim Stengel

Jim Stengel - GrowThe Book

Jim Stengel; Grow : How Ideals Power Growth and Profit at the World’s 50 Greatest Companies; Virgin Books, Random House, 2011


  • Consistent business growth and working to improve people’s lives go hand in hand.


  • Lots of long and strong case studies.
  • A simple five part framework for action.
  • Based on substantial research.


  • Boost your energy by getting in touch with why you’re really in business.
  • Achieve better results by aligning action to your brand ideal
  • Boost your brand recognition and market value by focussing on THE key elements.

Who’s It’s For

For BIG and little businesses serious about sustainable growth AND making the world a better place. Jim would argue you can’t have one without the other!

Jim StengelJim Stengel

  • In his role as Global Marketing Director of P&G Fast Company suggested he was arguably the most powerful person in marketing. Not surprising given he was managing an $8 billion advertising budget and 7000 people.
  • A number of impressive marketing awards.
  • Board of Director of AOL, Motorola Mobility, Ensequence. Advisor to others.
  • Professor of Marketing at UCLA Anderson School of Management.
  • Founder, Jim Stengel Company, a think tank and consulting firm.
  • His Company Ideal : “Inspire business leaders globally to achieve higher performance by rethinking their ideal and all behaviours emanating from that ideal.”
  • Jim at TED2012 – blog post only (photo source)
  • Website :
  • Twitter @JimStengel
  • Facebook Page
  • Wikipedia

Book Rapper Thinks…

If only I had this book 12 months ago when I started and It provides the business numbers for why idealism drives business! I’ve used this RAP to sharpen Book Rapper’s edge. And, I suggest you do the same.

[easyazon-link asin=”0307720357″ locale=”us”]Buy Grow: How Ideals Power Growth and Profit at the World’s Greatest Companies on Amazon (affiliate)[/easyazon-link]


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