Are You A Blogger or a Publisher?

Michelle MacPhearson : Pop Up Publisher

Ed Dale in his email post today linked to Michelle MacPhearson’s one page website

On this one page website is an 80 second video and an email sign-up box. It’s an interesting model and that’s not what I wanted to talk about here.

I love Michelle’s video. Well worth a look. Go check it out. It’s short, sharp and concise. There’s no fluff, there’s no flashy anything. Just good quality visuals and a compelling argument.

Her question is this: Why slave away as a blogger constantly researching, thinking and writing your material when there are a host of highly qualified, experienced experts who can write for you? In short, why be a blogger when you can be a publisher?

Being a blogger is a bit like being the guy in the store. Whereas being the publisher is more like being the owner.

Which would you rather be?

I’m really clear… I want to be the blogger. I love researching and writing my stuff. It’s self-expression for me. It forces me to think and flesh out my ideas.

For others, being the publisher might be the perfect thing. You get to write less, and you get to manage others more to produce a lot more content and potentially attract a bigger crowd more quickly.

The third option is to do a bit of both. I could keep blogging and employ some others to write for me too.

Which one have you chosen? What will you choose in the future?

To answer this question you need to know yourself. Are you a blogger or a publisher?


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