Mission Statement Examples from the Best Content Creators

In this post, I share three of the best content creation mission statement examples. Plus, I ask:

  • Do content creators need a mission statement?
  • And what can you learn from their mission statement examples and apply to your content creation business?

Finding Content Creator Mission Statements

To answer this question, I did some research. I googled some of the best content creators on the planet to look for two things.

  1. Did they have a mission statement?
  2. Which mission statement template or format did they use?

I started out by searching for ‘top bloggers’ and came across this fabulous article by Blossom Themes: 22 Wildly-Successful Bloggers Who Make Thousands of Dollars Every Month. It listed 22 successful bloggers who had healthy followings and were making good money. I searched through the websites of each of these 22 content creators.

I found mission statements for 8 of the 22 content creators (36%). Well, actually, I found 8 out of 21 (38%), because I couldn’t find one of the websites. That means one in three content creators had a mission statement. Maybe the others had them or didn’t have them, but I couldn’t find them.

In this post, I share the best three examples that I found. Plus, I point to the important pieces that you can use to write your content creator’s mission statement.

Why You Need a Mission Statement – from one of the world’s top bloggers

Our first example comes from a guy who started out as an architect – just like me. But soon found his way to blogging and podcasting – just like me. And he’s been consistent at publishing content for over 18 years – oops, just not like me.

But that’s not the only thing that separates Pat Flynn from me – he has a bigger following and makes more money from his blog than I do. (Maybe my lack of consistency is a big reason why.)

Pat Flynn has been running Smart Passive Income for more than 15 years. This includes a blog, podcast and YouTube channel.

And it was very easy to find Pat’s mission statement because he wrote a great blog post with this title: What are vision and mission statements and why are they important?

I love what he’s saying, I think Mission Statements are essential. I agree. And based on that, of course, he has one. That’s a great lesson from Pat Flynn to begin with: Walk your Talk.

Pat Flynn – Why you need a mission statement

And here’s why Pat thinks you need a vision and mission statement: “In business, just as in life, it’s important to have an understanding of who you are, where you’re going, what you want to achieve, and why you want to get there. You need to have goals, and those goals need to serve an overarching purpose. But, to get there, it takes effort.”

The Three Qualities of an Effective Mission Statement

Pat Flynn - Smart Passive Income's Mission Statement
Pat Flynn – Smart Passive Income’s Mission Statement

And here’s Pat’s Mission Statement: “To teach others how to build an ethical and smart business fueled by passive income.”

I love this example for three reasons.

  1. It’s specific.
  2. It’s such a clear match to Pat’s website and what he writes about.
  3. And it uses simple easy everyday words.

These are three qualities of an effective mission statement. Use this as a checklist to compare what you’ve written.

The Four Parts to a Powerful Mission Statement

Then if we look at Pat Flynn’s Mission Statement there are four clear parts to it. And you might consider using these four parts when you create your mission statement.

  1. It starts with how – to teach
  2. It says what – to build a business
  3. Then it adds some values – ethical and smart
  4. And it also says how – fueled by passive income.

Great work Pat Flynn – four elements to form a powerful framework.

This is a great model for creating your mission statement. The four questions to ask yourself are:

  1. What do you do?
  2. How do you do it?
  3. What values are crucial to what you do and how you do it?
  4. And what is your method or strategy for doing this?

How to Create your Mission Statement based on three Goals

Our second content creation mission statement example was one of those lucky accidents. I was searching for top bloggers and was reading an article about Michelle Gardner with the wonderful title: How to build a $1 Million blog and find your own paradise.

While the article was a great read, I didn’t find a mission statement from Michelle. But I did find a powerful statement from the post author, Cam Woodsum.

His blog is Freedom is Everything. And at the age of 27 he is financially independent and living in Bali. Very impressive.

Now, this example might not be Cam’s formal mission statement, (it’s more like a set of goals for a series of blog posts) but it is a great set of goals and it offers an easy-to-use template for creating your mission statement. The format is simple: state three goals and combines them into a single sentence.

Cam Woodsum - Freedom is Everything
Cam Woodsum – Freedom is Everything

Cam’s three goals are:

  1. Demystify the process of making money online,
  2. Wander the world, and
  3. Live an unconventional life

And Cam’s single sentence is: “The goal is to help demystify the process of making money online, wandering the world, and living an unconventional life!”

What are your three goals? And how would you put them together into a single sentence?

How to build and attract a strong community to your mission statement

Our third example comes from Harsh Agrawal. He is a blogger who writes about tech tips and making money online as a blogger.

He shares his mission as: “ShoutMeLoud is part of a movement to liberate every human being from the 9-5 job!”

That’s interesting because he doesn’t say he is the movement; he says he is part of a bigger movement. That’s appealing.

Harsh Agrawal - Shout Me Loud Mission Statement
Harsh Agrawal – Shout Me Loud Mission Statement

But the thing that caught my eye is in the next paragraph: “Welcome to ShoutMeLoud (SML) – A platform to learn, and grow as a blogger or digital marketer. A community of enthusiastic Individuals who is popularly known as “Shouter”!”

I love the name or label he gives to his audience. The more specific you can identify your audience the better. He does that by saying ‘blogger’ and ‘digital’ marketer.

But then he goes one further using the term ‘shouter’. That’s clearly a theme that he talks about. And the key is it’s unique to his brand and his business.

If you truly want to stand out from the crowd, then having a mission statement that names your audience is helpful. But if you can make them feel part of a unique tribe or movement by giving them a signature identity, this takes your mission statement to the next level.

More on Mission Statements for Content Creators

There you have it – three powerful examples of Mission Statements by leading content creators.

Most importantly, I’ve highlighted several things you can use today to write your own powerful Mission Statement to inspire yourself and your audience.

And here are three related posts on Vision Statements, Mission Statements and Manifestos to further inspire your thinking:

  1. Personal vision statement – Be inspired in 4 simple steps
  2. The dirty big difference between vision and mission
  3. Three big reasons to write a thought leader manifesto

If you’ve written your content creation mission statement, feel free to add it below as a comment. I’d love to read it.

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