The Ultimate Guide to Planning your Life’s Work

The Ultimate Guide to Planning Your Life's Work

Your life’s work won’t just happen automagically by itself. To fulfil your life’s work you need a plan. But what’s the best way to do this? ? The Four Principles of Every Game Every culture on the planet plays games. And they’re not just for kids. Games may be simple, like hopscotch or Rock, Paper, Scissors. […]

Four Questions to Win the Game of Life

Four Questions to Win the Game of Life

I’m a sports nut. I’ll watch almost any sport – especially Aussie Rules football. And from watching and playing a lot of sports, I know that players don’t just go out onto the field and run around like mad fools. They just don’t turn up and expect to win. Instead, they plan. They create a game […]

Four Declarations for when things don’t go to plan

Four Declarations for when things don't go to plan

Forest Gump’s mum famously said, “Life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get.” For me, life is like a balloon. Some days you pump yourself up. Some days you let yourself down. But on any day, at any time, your bubble can burst and change everything. What’s […]

I didn’t know it, but my life was about to change

My Life was about to change

Every day starts afresh. We wake up and get out of bed and step into a brand-new day. A day that we haven’t had before. Sometimes it feels like Groundhog Day (where the day repeats). We put the same foot on the ground, put on the same clothes, eat the same breakfast, and do the […]

10 of the Best Youtubers Personal Mission Statement Examples

Ten of the Best YouTubers Personal Mission Statement Examples

Here are ten personal mission statement examples from famous youtubers. They each have millions of subscribers and billions of views. And at the end I’ll share the secret formula they use so you can write your personal mission statement. ?   1 Rosanna Pansino “To spread joy through baking and creativity.” Rosanna Pansino is a […]

The Ultimate Way to Align Your Vision Mission Purpose

The Ultimate Way to Align Your Vision Mission Purpose

What’s the difference between vision mission and purpose? And most importantly, what’s the best way to align them to drive your success? Vision, mission and purpose statements can look and sound the same. But that’s like saying a pen, pencil and a marker are all the same. Yes, you can draw with all of them. […]

The Best 15 Purpose Quotes to Inspire Your Life

The Best 11 Purpose Quotes to Inspire Your Life

Do you want some inspiration for your life? Here are 15 of the best Purpose Quotes to get you moving. These purpose quotes have been penned by some big names from philosophy, authors, rock stars, world leaders – and even a surprise at the end. They answer the question: What is Purpose? Plus, they point […]

Nine Purpose Synonyms Exposed – Spice up your life!

Nine Purpose Synonyms exposed - spice up your life

Purpose synonyms are other words that have a similar meaning to purpose. And this is a great way to deepen our understanding of the meaning of purpose. It seems like everyone is using the word purpose. It’s a buzzword as more people look for meaning in their lives. But what is purpose? ? (For more […]

13 of the best Social Purpose Statement Examples

13 of the Best Social Purpose Statement Examples

Previously, I shared 11 corporate purpose statement examples. I thought they were generic – many companies could claim the same statements. Which raises the question: what does a great purpose statement look like? Today I share 13 of the best social brands or not-for-profit organisation purpose statements. They’re better examples than the corporate ones because […]

11 of the Best Purpose Statement Examples to Inspire You

11 of the Best Purpose Statement Examples to Inspire You

Today I’m sharing 11 purpose statement examples from global companies. You’ll know the companies but you may not know their purpose statement. Your purpose is an intention – a stated goal or reason for doing something. And a purpose statement declares the core reason for an organization’s existence. It’s answering the question: Why does this company […]