How to Build Habits: Step-by-Step Guide for Success

How to Build Habits - Step-by-Step Guide

Being on autopilot is seen as a bad thing. We usually relate it to laziness, lack of caring, and lack of motivation. Not good, right? Well, maybe. Have you ever considered that being on auto-pilot was the key to success? Did you know that 40% of your daily actions are habits, not decisions? That means […]

Everyone tells you to set goals. But this is better.

Are goals wrong? This is better than goal setting

Have you ever been wrong about something that seemed so right? Like, Santa Claus – at least until you were 8 years old. Or that bulls hate red. (Nope, they’re colourblind). Or that red wine is good for you. (Nope, all alcohol is not healthy.) For me, I started eating the Paleo diet to help […]

Read this! The best book to find your Life’s Work

Read this! The Best Book to Find Your Life's Work

What’s the best book to read to find your Life’s Work? When I read this book, I started getting excited about my future. But it also set a trap for me. And it was the same old trap I always fall into. ? Failing My Life About eight weeks ago, I shared that I’d lost […]