The easy solution to being overwhelmed and stressed out at work
Feeling Overwhelmed? What does that mean? Are you stressed out and overwhelmed right now? I used to suffer a lot from overwhelm. I’d be in a situation and all of a sudden it would all get too much and I’d have a meltdown and let off some steam. What does overwhelm mean? And is there […]
Pomodoro Technique: Work smart and get more work done
Work Smart What’s the Pomodoro Technique and how can it help you get more done? We’ve all been told at some point that we need to work smarter to get more work done. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself: What does it mean to ‘work smart’? The holy grail of productivity is to: […]
Multi tasking and Mindfulness – Win the war on workplace stress
The Rise of Workplace stress There is a war going on in our workplaces being fought out between Multi Tasking and Mindfulness. One camp wants to us do more and faster. The other wants us to do more by doing one thing more slowly. The big casualty of this war is the wellbeing of our […]
How to be focused and stay focused at work
What does it mean to be focused? To be focused, we first need to define what we’re talking about. According to Google, the word ‘focus’ is searched between one million and ten million times every single month. That makes it a very popular and desirable thing. While some of these searches are looking for a […]
How to Write Motivational Stories like Stephen King
Motivational Stories Motivational stories are crucial to our success in life and at work. As human beings, we live in language. And the primary way we do that is to tell stories. We tell stories to others, perhaps at bedtime or in meetings, and we tell stories to ourselves about how the world is and […]
Three Steps to Boost Your Motivation for Productivity Gains
Motivation for Productivity Do you need motivation for productivity? In their brilliant book, Switch, Chip and Dan Heath suggest the most important thing for being productive is to boost your motivation. (I rapped this book over at Book Rapper as Sticky Change) Think back to the last time you were trying to complete an important […]