This is the fifth of six in a series of self-leadership trends adapted from Daniel Pink’s book A Whole New Mind. Previously in this series were:
Sometimes we need to be serious. And, if you want to be happy, healthy and more successful in a professional environment then a sense of humour, play and lightness is crucial.
Here are five things you can do today to help you be play more at work and in life…
[Tweet “Five ways to be more playful #self-leadership #play via @bookrapper”]
This is from the Book Rapper issue How to Think Right that is derived from Daniel Pink’s best selling book A Whole New Mind. The full Book Rapper summary is available here.
Is the art of Intentional Living the secret to your best life? And how can…
Can you stick to your values for 28 days? I took on a core values…
Knowing your Personal Core Values is good. But how do you turn your Core Values…
I need to change my core values because they don’t reflect the Universal Human Values.…
Are you ready to empower your life and unlock your true potential? To achieve this…
Today, I’ll show you how to determine your core life values in 3 easy steps.…