For a lot of businesses and individual thoughts leaders publishing content is an important part of their marketing strategy.
But what’s the best content marketing strategy for you?
The right strategy can lead to fast results, but the wrong strategy can lead to frustration from the wasted effort and the lack of results.
In this post, I’ll show you how a simple shift in your Content Marketing Strategy can earn you a five to 25 times better result for your business.
To define our Content Marketing Strategy, we first need to define our terms. Let’s start there…
Your content is the material you publish. It can be words, images, and sounds. For instance, it might be:
For more about Content Creation check out our surprisingly simple guide.
When you do a Google search for ‘definition of marketing?’ the first answer that comes up from Oxford Languages tells us marketing is: The action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.
Next is strategy – what is strategy? At its simplest level, your strategy is HOW you achieve your goals. It’s not the goal, it’s the process or tactics you use to achieve your goals.
It follows that Content Marketing is publishing material to promote and sell your products or services. Your Content Marketing Strategy is therefore how you will achieve this.
But where did Content Marketing come from?
For the past few thousand years, all sales were done face to face in retail stores or through travelling salesmen. Then the telephone became a primary sales tool.
Plus, the rise of newspapers, radio and television became sales outlets either by paying to advertise or being featured as a special guest. But this meant you either needed the money to advertise or some way to fight through the gatekeepers to be showcased as a guest. Not everyone was willing or able to do this.
Now, with the internet, this has all changed. With the help of websites, blogging software and social media platforms we can all publish and share our own content.
This has made a big shift and given us the ability to generate our own content and use it as our marketing strategy. This is the rise of content marketing as a viable business strategy.
As an interesting aside, something I discovered in my research for this post…
If we look at the results from a Google Trends search for Content Marketing [16 January 2022] (above), we can see from 2004 to the end of 2011 there was not a lot of interest in Content Marketing. Since then, the popularity of the term has grown significantly.
Surprisingly, it also appears searches peaked in late 2020 and may now be declining slightly.
This second graph (below) shows an interesting comparison between the term Content Marketing shown in the blue line and Digital Marketing shown in the red line. Digital Marketing is clearly a more popular term.
And this may be why Content Marketing as a term is declining because more people are using the term Digital Marketing.
What’s the difference between Content Marketing and Digital Marketing? For me, digital marketing is a more specific term that only refers to digitally generated marketing material plus things like SEO and online advertising. In contrast, Content Marketing can be print or digital. It can include printed flyers, books or other non-digital media.
In the previous post, Create a Service Offering You’ll Fall in Love With, I shared a marketing or ascension curve as a way to map and model your products and services.
This ascension curve is also a great way to map and model your content marketing and to see a visual representation of your strategy.
Your Service Offering Map or ascension marketing curve has three basic elements:
The curve is based on the principle that as you increase the level of relationship with your clients the potential to earn money also increases by buying a more expensive product or service. That’s why it’s called an ascension curve – potential customers can step up from one offer to the next.
You might notice that the curve does not start in the corner of the corner. Instead, it starts a little along the relationship axes. This reflects the view that people don’t buy our products out of the blue or randomly. Rather, we first must build up some level of trust, respect and relationship before they will buy from us.
This is why Content Marketing has become so important.
As a general approach, I use the ascension curve to present five tiers of business offerings. This particularly suits service providers like consultants, thought leaders, business coaches and trainers.
I’ve shared this ascension curve because it highlights the flaw in many Content Marketing Strategies.
As mentioned previously, many people define marketing as: The action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.
And this leads to marketers who only focus on the first section of the Ascension Curve. They translate Content Marketing into publishing free content to attract new clients. And that’s it. This is where they start and stop.
For these people, it’s all about the sale and worse, all about the first sale.
While this is a good start, there is a better way. And it only requires a simple change of focus.
In a Harvard Business Review article from 2014, The Value of Keeping the Right Customers, Amy Gallo reported that it is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive to attract a new customer than service an existing one. In other words, it is five to 25 times cheaper to serve your existing clients.
She also quotes research by the founder of the net promoter score, Frederick Reichheld that shows increasing customer retention rates by 5% increases profit by 25% to 95%.
This reflects the big flaw most marketers make in their Content Marketing Strategy – they focus on the wrong part of the customer journey.
Instead of chasing and attracting new clients and customers, they should be putting their attention on serving and retaining their existing ones.
My all-time favourite branding book is The Culting of Brands by Douglas Atkins. (I did a summary of this book over at Book Rapper as Brand Worship.)
The big idea in the book is that cult-like brands have become the new religion because they focus on two basic human needs: meaning and belonging.
From this book, I have developed my own version of the Customer Lifecycle.
My Customer Lifecycle has five parts that relate directly to your content marketing strategy:
These five stages are the keys to your Content Marketing Strategy. To retain our clients and customers we need to be working toward meaning and belonging. Unless we do that, we will be constantly chasing new customers at five to 25 times the cost of looking after our existing ones.
To make this easier to understand, let’s look at an example of how to apply this new Content Marketing Strategy.
Here’s a simple example of buying a camera or a piece of software.
The key here is to be able to identify the critical retention factor for your clients. What is the key thing that keeps them coming back again and again?
Based on this simple map of a person buying a camera, the critical retention factor is going to be how well they can use the camera.
The better the results your clients achieve with your product or service the more likely they are to keep using and tell other people about it. This is the key to your Content Marketing Strategy.
Let’s wrap up the key points around our Content Marketing Strategy
If you’d like more on Content Marketing here are some other pieces of content I’ve created and shared recently:
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