Book Rapper Context : Reverse Evolution Why Bother With Facebook? Is Facebook a time waster? Are my Twitter followers worth…
PROFIT : If you’re in the business of connecting then you need to SCAN your operation for ways to make…
PROFIT : What happens when a few people glue together? They become a GROUP and the focus changes. Here’s how…
PROFIT : Here’s the PLAN you need for glue-ing your personal connections. It’s a simple four step process to add…
PROFIT : Now you know what type of Connector you currently are, the next question is: Who do you want…
Following from our Connection Profile Questionnaire, here's 11 factors that provide a deeper explanation of our fifth profile type: Super…
Following from our Connection Profile Questionnaire, here's 11 factors that provide a deeper explanation of our fourth profile type: Active…
Following from our Connection Profile Questionnaire, here's 11 factors that provide a deeper explanation of our third profile type: Selective…
Following from our Connection Profile Questionnaire, here's 11 factors that provide a deeper explanation of our second profile type: Passive…
Following from our Connection Profile Questionnaire, here's 11 factors that provide a deeper explanation of our first profile type: Basic…