It’s official because this is what our web server statistics tell us.
This includes…
It doesn’t include…
The goal for 2010 is also 20,000.
Currently for this year we’ve reached 13,634.
We were well on track to reach this target uptil May.
Then Google changed it’s algorithm and the stats dropped a whopping 63% in June and July.
We’re moving again now and might still make it…
Knowing your Personal Core Values is good. But how do you turn your Core Values…
I need to change my core values because they don’t reflect the Universal Human Values.…
Are you ready to empower your life and unlock your true potential? To achieve this…
Today, I’ll show you how to determine your core life values in 3 easy steps.…
I did it! I created 150 videos on my YouTube channel. And it was all…
What is the key to a meaningful life? Is it money or happiness? Or something…