The Four Hour Jolt! Part 9
Derived from Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Work Week – New and Expanded Edition Now Available!
Tim’s Blog:
Book Review and Context Part B: The 4-Hour Work Week
The Edition We Read: Timothy Ferris, The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich, Vermillion, London, 2007.
Back to Part A:
You can create a one-off blueprint, a personalised Lifestyle Design and live your ideal life.
The DEAL process is also the perfect lense through which to view changes in industrial, social and cultural evolution over the last 200 years.
In terms of Time, if you’re still working 50-70 (or more) hours a week, then you’re doing no better than steam driven England. It may be that your soul (sic) purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others!
When Absolute Income (hours in/dollars out) is the measure, we’re all better off.
However, the outstanding winners today are those who plan around, and insist on, Relative Income ($$$’s per hour worked).
Finally, if you’re commuting to a cubicle five or six days a week then you’ve only traded tools and method in the Mobility stakes since 1850; you’ve effectively swapped your loom for a computer, and your horse for an engine.
Tim Ferriss insists that you define what ‘work’ is for you.
Why are you doing what you’re doing?
He claims that it can only be one of two things: ‘income generation’ or ‘dream fulfilment’.
‘Work’ is a scientific term; it’s a measure of energy used.
It has nothing to do with generating an income or fulfilling a dream.
Will you choose to generate an income or pursue your passion and live your dream?
What might happen if you re-frame the word ‘work’ to ‘income’ or ‘dream’?
Be mindful that even when you don’t choose, you do!
Life is the original DIY: Lifestyle Design is your own personal ‘how to’ map.
Why should you change?
Listen, really listen, to your internal voice, your instincts, your intuition.
You can’t store time in a bottle.
Drink deeply today, down to the last sip.
Don’t waste a drop.
The 4-Hour Work Week could JOL
It’s about being you first, in designing yourself as a person, who you are and only then about what you do to earn the income you need to practice, act as, behave, experience being who you are.
It’s an inspiring book when read as that – an account of how one person lives an inspirational life.
Tim clearly set out his process and it is a repeatable one.
Otherwise, you know all the stuff in it.
It’s the little brother of 1984 and the 80/20 rule.
Great principles that we all need reminding of now and then – eliminate crap: work on what brings in 80% of your income.
You know all that.
And frustratingly, you don’t follow it.
Could it be that you’re not being your true self.
Are you acting out of what you have to do – what is expected – and not what you want to do.
Are you being YOU?
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