Project Done

Where did it all go?

That’s how it feels sometimes. One minute we’re celebrating the New Year and the next moment we look up and we’re into February… No wait, it’s March already. And April is coming at us like a fully laden freight train hurtling down a hill…

How is your year going? Most importantly, are you overcoming your most important business challenge? Is it time to create your next big thing?

Or, is it turning out to be more of the same… That same old good intention followed by that same old unfulfilled ache in your stomach?

You know you have a choice… You can have your same-old-thing or your next big thing. Naturally, we all want the next big thing. That’s a no-brainer.

The real question is: what are you going to do differently to make it happen?

And, I mean to really go after it and make sure it happens this year.

You’ve probably heard the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again whilst expecting different results. Don’t make 2018 another insane year for all the wrong reasons.

(Project Done is an upgrade of the former program Project Passion)

Focus Your Energy

Getting your result is important. That is what we’re playing for. And, equally, how are you going to feel along the way?

Are you going to continue slogging away in a never-ending battle against the forces of evil – procrastination, distraction and time-wasting? Are you going to keep pushing things uphill until it cracks – or worse, you crack?

There is another way. You could be filled with motivation, inspiration and passion. And, if you chose this path you’d automatically boost your resilience, your performance and your results. Wouldn’t that be good?

The first step to achieving your next big thing is to create a project to focus your energy on a short-term effort. Don’t try to play flat-out for the whole year. Instead, design a time-specific project to get you out of your daily rut and super-charge your energy in short sharp bursts.

And, make sure you don’t fall for this big mistake…

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Why Most Projects Fail

Most Project Planning programs only focus on doing things.

I know from personal experience that this doesn’t always work. There is always a moment in every project where the honeymoon period ends and the tough stuff begins. Sometimes you can apply willpower and discipline to keep going and sometimes you just can’t.

So it’s perhaps no surprise that most projects fail because of a lack of motivation.

[Tweet “Most projects fail because of a lack of motivation #projectdone”]

That’s why we’ve created Project Done. It’s Project Design that includes your emotions, your inspiration and your passion in the design of your project. This is the framework you will use to design your project to create your best possible chance of success.

[Tweet “Project Planning only focuses on the ‘what’, Project Design includes the ‘Why’ and ‘How’ #projectdone”]

What You Will Learn

  • The difference between Project Planning and Project Design
  • Why your Default Future is holding you back
  • How to be inspired every day
  • Why relying on willpower and discipline doesn’t work
  • How to create new habits that make life easy
  • Why the Elephant is more important than the Rider
  • How to shape your environment to make it easier to do the right thing at the right time
  • The secret to being able to access any resource you need
  • How to overcome any obstacle

The really good news is that we’ve now run Project Done program six times and we’ve streamlined things so you will get more done with less effort.

There is a greater need than ever before to be smart, to have great ideas and to be able to commercialize them and put them into practice. Geoff is one of the people that does that better than anyone I know.

Gihan Perera, author of mulitiple books, including: The Future of Leadership and Fast, Flat and Free

Instead, I’ve redesigned everything from the ground up using the principles of Scrum and Agile – the secret weapon of successful software developers around the world. The goal is to create a finished something at least every week. And, simply learning how to run a project the agile way will be a huge head start you can keep using way beyond this program!

What You Will Create

More important than what you will learn, is what you will create. Take a moment to think about your most important business challenge is right now… How would you feel when you’ve have had a breakthrough in that area of your business by the middle of the year? That’s the real prize.

Three Choices

You can join the Project Done Program in three ways:

1 Individual Program

$4500 plus GST – ten sessions over 90 days and you can set the meeting times that suit you best.

[button link=”” color=”orange” window=”yes”]Buy Now – Individual[/button]

We can offer a payment plan if this helps you manage your cash flow. Email Geoff to discuss this.

2 Organisation Program

If you’d like to change the way you get things done in your organisation, talk to us about an in-house program. We’ve previously worked with a regional council to help implement a series of projects with their teams.

3 Group Program

$900 plus GST – Includes ten 2 hour sessions over 12 weeks and all course material. That’s only $50 per contact hour. Our next program starts 6th April 2018 – it’ll be Project Done 7.

[button link=”″ color=”orange” window=”yes”]Buy Now – Group[/button]

To put the price of this program into context, think about what you want to create for yourself… Aim for 10 times value. For instance, if you paid $4500 for the Individual Program and you created a project around ‘Getting new clients’, could you generate $45,000 worth of new sales during this time or shortly after? Likewise, for the group program, can you add $9000 worth of value to your business? Depending on your business that might only be a couple of sales.

The other side of the equation is to look at the cost of not acting now. For instance, if you’re running your business all on your own and know you need to outsource some tasks, the cost to your health, potential for client mistakes or even family breakdowns could easily be the 10x value you need to make joining the program more than worthwhile.

And, remember the key advantage to the Project Done Program is that you’ll have support to keep you accountable, lift your flagging spirits and coaching for when you get stuck.

My Biggest Mistake

Well thought out, supportive and challenging. I haven’t had the level of accountability Geoff provides … ever!
Suzanne Mercier, Expert on Moving Beyond the Imposter Syndrome

The biggest mistake I’ve made way too often in my business is to consistently try to do things all by myself. Sometimes I get away with it, often I don’t. We all need support, particularly when we run into hurdles we didn’t expect. And, that’s almost certain if you’re taking on something new.

The Support You Need

Join our program to gain the support you need when you need it.

Project Done is based on the latest thinking from world experts in the fields of:

  • Psychology,
  • Neuroscience,
  • Agile and Scrum software design,
  • Entrepreneurship,
  • Linguistics,
  • Leadership,
  • Environmental Design, and
  • Design Thinking.

Its been created to have you win through following a proven pathway. It’s with an experienced coach to keep you accountable and see things clearly when you get stuck. And you’ll work alongside business people just like you pursuing similar goals. They can cheer you on and they may even be able to help you access the resources you need.

Access Anywhere

The whole program will be delivered online so you can attend without leaving home, at the office or even if you are travelling. The weekly sessions will be delivered via webinar technology. All of these will be recorded in case you miss one.

It’s given me a flying start to the year. I have done a number of similar programs – none of which come close to what Geoff has put together.
Mike Allen, Managing Partner, Centre for Organisation Development

How It Works

The Project Done program runs for 12 weeks. That’s almost a quarter of the year. You really can achieve a lot in that time. So think big… What would be a great result for you and your business in that time frame?

The program includes ten live sessions that each run for up to two hours – we give you a little break in between a couple of sessions to free up some time for you to finish your project.

Naturally, we’d love it if you could attend every session and we know this may not be possible because you’ll be busy winning your game. We simply ask that you be in action and let us know where you’re at so we can support you. Plus you can catch up with the recordings.

Time and Dates

Friday mornings – Melbourne time – 8:30 am to 10:30 am – Ten sessions over 12 weeks. Our next program is number seven and will commence on the Friday 6 April 2018.

[button link=”” bg_color=”#e6843a” window=”yes”]Download the Project Done brochure[/button]

Are you up for this?

You gave me clarity and got me moving – huge! Many thanks for getting me started in an area I’ve been thinking about for quite a while.

Michael Grose, Parenting Ideas and author of multiple books including Thriving

The most important thing we need from you is to create and undertake a Business Project you are committed to fulfilling. We want you to be in action, to be inspired and to play as if your business depends on it!

Also, you need to be willing and able to participate in the online session. All live sessions will be recorded to ensure you don’t miss anything.

Accountability – important!

Project Done was THE reason I maintained momentum with my focus for 2017. It gave me clarity, kept me accountable and included all the hallmarks of current excellent adult learning principles. My vote of confidence is that I am joining the next Project Done program too.

Taruni Falconer, Founder-Owner of Intercultural Dynamics

During the program, we will ask you to submit your Project Design. This will keep you focused and allow me to keep you honest about what you said and what you did.

I’ll also be running my own project and sharing the obstacles and victories I experience along the way – so you can keep me honest too!

During our live sessions, we will discuss how you are travelling… Are you on track, off-track or have you lost track? And, if necessary we can then have a coaching conversation with you to put you back on your path to success.

This means you need to be coachable. This means being open to a conversation about how your project is going and what is holding you back. Sometimes this can be difficult when a challenging obstacle confronts you. We will provide the care, respect and trust that is central to this conversation.

The Project Done Program Outline

The ten sessions of Project Done look like this. And, we may vary it a little depending on what the group needs next.

  1. Define your motivation, passion and inspiration
  2. Design how to produce fast results
  3. Create ways to get more done with less effort
  4. Use the invisible power that trumps willpower and discipline
  5. Create Momentum in your Project
  6. Impact your life and the lives of others
  7. Streamline your efforts
  8. Why you need to cause breakdowns
  9. How to achieve more with less
  10. The best ways to celebrate your success

Session Design

Each session will consist of four pre-designed elements:

  1. Check-In – Is your project on track?
  2. Coaching – What does the group/individuals need right now?
  3. Big Idea – A concept and action step to create your next breakthrough
  4. What’s Next? – an action plan for your next move

Each session is scheduled to run for two interactive hours. During the first 90 minutes, Geoff will share the key distinctions of the program (see the 10 points in the outline above). Participants can complete the exercises in their Course Manuals and type their questions and answers into the webinar question box. And, during the final 30 minutes, we open the line for live questions and personal coaching.

Who is Project Passion For?

Project Done helped me to ‘unpack’ my thinking and challenged me to approach my project with a clearer understanding of what I need to do to set myself up for success.

David Smith, Executive Coach and Intentional Leadership Facilitator

This is a business program. This means you’ll be creating and winning a business-based project – what this looks like is up to you. This also means the time commitment you will need to fulfil your project will vary.

You could be just starting your business or have years of experience. Whilst we will be talking about business strategy and we will offer some suggestions, we won’t be telling you how to run your business.

Mostly, we’ll be focusing on what you need to win your project – this may include some personal coaching and even a personal breakthrough.

And, so you know… I’ll be running my own project at the same time as you. This puts me in the arena with you so I’ll know what you’re going through and how it feels. Plus, I’ll be sharing my wins, my losses and my struggles. And, if things get really desperate, you might have to coach me! LOL!


The program is based on what we’ve learnt from Book Rapper and some of the best business books by some of the best business thinkers on the planet. We’ll include the 12 specific Book Rapper issues as a bonus to deepen your learning from the program. Valued at $47.

Make it Happen!

Individual Program

$4500 plus GST – ten sessions over 90 days and you can set the meeting times that suit you best.

[button link=”” color=”orange” window=”yes”]Buy Now – Individual[/button]

We can offer a payment plan if this helps you manage your cash flow. Email Geoff to discuss this.

Organisation Program

If you’d like to change the way you get things done in your organisation, talk to us about an in-house program. We’re currently working with a regional council to help implement a series of projects with their teams.

Geoff has an astonishing ability to see things from many and varied angles. He combines his outstanding design capability with a creative mind that draws on diverse resources to come up with solutions that you could not have imagined yourself. If you need a creative solution to a challenging problem… call Geoff!

Helen Macdonald, Optimism Zone, Former National President PSA (NSAA)

Group Program

$900 plus GST – Includes ten 2 hour sessions over 12 weeks. That’s less than $50 per contact hour. Our program, Project Done 7 starts on Friday, April 6, 2018.

[button link=”″ color=”orange” window=”yes”]Buy Now – Group[/button]