Leaderful: A book in 26 tweets: Twit Rapper A-M
Derived from…
Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom; The Starfish and the Spider
The Rules for Building a Decentralized Organization
3A Leaderful: The Power of Decentralized Organizations, Derived from: Ori Brafman and @RodBeckstrom The Spider and the Starfish
3B Big Idea: The internet + digital technology swings the pendulum to decentralized organizations: self-organizing with no one in control
3C Speed RAP: Spiders are centralized: ruled by the head. Starfish are not: no head, no one part in control
3D Your Challenge: Notice how centralized + controlling you are + the people around you. Loosen the reins: become a catalyst
3E Centralized organizations rely on a dominant leader. Decentralized organizations require some leadership from everyone.
3F Book Review: The future is decentralization and this book cleverly uses a potent metaphor to show us the way
3G Book Rapper Thinks… If you were going to design an organization from scratch today it would be decentralized/fusion.
3H Three Types of Organizations: Centralized, Decentralized and Fusion (a combination of both) – find your sweet spot
3I Centralization Examples: Spiders, Dictatorship, Military, Government, Sit-com, Typical Corporation, General Motors, Microsoft
3J Decentralization Examples: Starfish, The Internet, AA, Apache Indians, Terrorist Cells, Open Source and Peer to Peer Software
3K Fusion Examples: Reality TV, Wikipedia, Craigslist, Toyota, Skype, Ebay, GE
3L Spider organizations = Headquarters, someone in charge, knowledge/power in the hands of the few, rigid structure, clear division of roles
3M Starfish organizations = No headquarters, no one in charge, distributed knowledge/power, flexible structure, amorphous division of roles
Get the full Book Rapper issue: Leaderful
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