What’s the number one thing stopping you from fulfilling your Life’s Work?
It’s not what you think. It’s not a lack of time, a lack of passion or a lack of opportunity.
David Goggins has been called the toughest man on the planet. He has the answer.
David Goggins
He has completed more than seventy ultra-distance races. Plus he’s completed 4030 pull-ups in 17 hours to break the Guinness World Record.
But it wasn’t always like this. Goggins had a tough upbringing. He had an abusive father and was overweight until he started his SEAL training.
In his book, Can’t Hurt Me, he shares how he has pushed himself to his limit to discover what he is truly capable of. This quote can summarise that book:
“You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft that you will die without ever realizing your true potential.”
This is the number one thing stopping you from fulfilling your life’s work.
It’s not a lack of time, a lack of passion or a lack of opportunity. It’s not what’s stopping you, it’s you stopping.
This is why I hadn’t finished my book and art projects. I hadn’t put in the time and effort to do so. Instead, I’d given in to my feelings of tiredness, my excuses and my complaints about how hard life was.
Something had to change if I was to fulfil my Life’s Work. I decided to train like David Goggins for 28 days.
I started by listing a series of things where I was not living up to the standards I’d set for myself. It became a list of three things:
Next, review your lists and pick something to focus on for the next 28 days. There are two things to consider.
I finished up choosing 3 different physical activities. One was repeated twice a day giving me 4 things in total. One thing to focus on is probably enough. Be wary of picking too many.
Next, create a visual reminder or scoreboard of your progress. In the video, I showed the simple scoreboard I created for my game. My game was for four weeks or 28 days. This translates to seven columns (seven days) and four rows (four weeks). This gives me 28 squares to fill in. My game had four actions to take each day so I simply split each square into four giving me a grand total of 112 squares.
Once you have created your scoreboard put it in a prominent place where you’ll see it every day. This will remind you of the game you are playing.
Now for the important piece – take the action. Do it. Every day. No excuses. And when you complete your action mark it on your scoreboard as ‘done’.
For bonus points, celebrate your success to build a habit out of your actions. To celebrate: smile, clench your fist and strongly say ‘done’. This will help wire your emotional state in your brain to this activity making it more likely you’ll want to do it again.
And once you’ve done it for 28 days, rinse and repeat. Either keep going with the same action and/or pick something new to focus on.
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