Make Your BIG Idea Fit

Innovation Adoption Curve

One of the great challenges of leading with BIG ideas is matching them to your intended audience. You’ll know you’ve matched your audience when there is a strong demand for what you offer. Alternatively, if there is a mismatch of audience and offer then demand will naturally be low. [Tweet “How to ensure your BIG […]

The Chaos Imperative

Ori Brafman - The Chaos Imperative

The Book Ori Brafman and Judah Pollack, The Chaos Imperative: How Chance and Disruption increase Innovation, Effectiveness and Success, Crown Business, New York, 2013. The Backstory This book is inspired by Ori Brafman’s experience as a consultant to the US Army. Traditionally, the military has been highly regimented and tightly controlled through the layers of […]

How to Have Unlimited Ideas

Unlimited Ideas

If you follow my blog you’ve probably realized I write a lot. At the moment, I’m posting every single day. And my plan is to continue that for the entire year. Yep, 365 days straight… And, when I tell people this I often hear the same reply: But what are you going to write about? […]

Innovation Lessons From Coffee

Innovation Lessons from Coffee

Seinfeld built a fabulous career from his observations of the everyday. And, today it’s my turn. Let’s take the important subject of innovation and view it through the filter of something way more important – your daily cup of coffee. Here’s four innovation lessons you can ponder whilst you savour your latte, espresso or decaf […]

Minimum Viable Product

Minimum Viable Product

This is an excerpt from the Book Rapper issue called Pioneer: How to create and manage innovation. It’s derived from Eric Ries’ best selling book The Lean Startup. Perhaps the most popular term from the Lean Startup methodology is the Minimum Viable Product or MVP. This is the product version that enables a full turn […]

Unlock the super simple secret to Innovation Work

Innovation Work

Innovation Work Innovation work is now something we all need to perform. Innovation is so fundamental to not just growing a business, but also ensuring it stays relevant and viable. Disruption is potentially all around us and because we have previously been successful is not guarrantee it will continue. It is no longer adequate to […]

Master Your Context

Master Your Context

In our earlier post, The Best Time to Be Born, we talked about how almost 20% of the richest people on the planet were born in a ten-year period in the US. Luck and good timing! Warren Bennis picks up this theme in his classic leadership text, On Becoming a Leader. His opening chapter is […]

The Best Time to be Born

The Best Time to be Born

Something Remarkable Between the years 1831 and 1840 something remarkable happened. The period was not one of devastating war, political revolution, climate crisis, social unrest or spectacular invention of new technologies. Yet, this short nine year period could be called the best time ever to be born. As Malcolm Gladwell tells the tale in his […]

Ori Brafman – The Chaos Imperative

Ori Brafman - The Chaos Imperative

The Book Ori Brafman and Judah Pollack, The Chaos Imperative: How Chance and Disruption increase Innovation, Effectiveness and Success, Crown Business, New York, 2013. Ori Brafman Once I’ve read a good book by one author I’m more than likely to sample their next offering. I love Ori Brafman’s earlier book The Starfish and the Spider. […]

The Emotions of Innovation

Positive Emotions

The emotions of innovation are often either a missing or misunderstood part of the innovation process. The Role of Emotions My book of the year for 2019 was David De Steno’s book, Emotional Success. He is a researcher into our emotions. In Emotional Success, he talks about how our emotions set up our future actions. […]