Derived from Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail
The Hot Idea: Digitalization has lowered the profit barrier meaning we no longer need to rely on creating big selling blockbuster products. Instead, small profitable niches become a safe and reliable way to riches.
Author’s blog:
Book Rapper:
Derived from: Daniel Pink’s A Whole New Mind
The Hot Idea: The reliance on left-brain, logical, rational thinking is no longer enough to be successful in the Conceptual Age. Instead, we also need to be able to use our right-brain, emotional, empathetic, synthesizing brain.
Author’s website:
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Derived from Seth Godin’s Meatball Sundae
The Hot Idea: The new digital and online marketing tools will not be effective if applied to traditional advertising lead, command and control business structures. It’s time to reinvent to take advantage of them.
Author’s website:
Book Rapper:
Derived from: Timothy Ferris’s The Four Hour Work Week
The Hot Idea: Our live-to-work culture is obsolete. The Industrial Revolution’s 40 hour a week Deferred Lifestyle has reached retirement age. For the first time in 200 years you can re-frame your work ethic into a personal DIY ethic.
Book website:
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Derived from: Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom’s The Spider and Starfish
The Hot Idea: The pendulum is swinging from centralized command and control organizations to decentralized ones. This elevates the importance of personal leadership and creates the demand for the ‘leaderful’ organization.
Book Website:
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Derived from: Barry Libert and Jon Spector, We Are Smarter Than Me
The Hot Idea: Collaborative communities are the near future now. The power of crowds to innovate, provide customer service, make sales, provide finance and manage projects turns traditional organizations inside out.
Project website:
Book Rapper:
Derived from: Chip Heath and Dan Heath, Made to Stick – Why some ideas survive and others die
The Key Idea: What’s your big idea? The typical expert spends longer coming up with their big idea than massaging it so it sticks in the minds of its intended audience. This book shows you how to package up your ideas so they’ll land and stick.
Book Website:
Book Rapper:
Is the art of Intentional Living the secret to your best life? And how can…
Can you stick to your values for 28 days? I took on a core values…
Knowing your Personal Core Values is good. But how do you turn your Core Values…
I need to change my core values because they don’t reflect the Universal Human Values.…
Are you ready to empower your life and unlock your true potential? To achieve this…
Today, I’ll show you how to determine your core life values in 3 easy steps.…