Here are ten personal mission statement examples from famous youtubers. They each have millions of subscribers and billions of views.…
What’s the difference between vision mission and purpose? And most importantly, what’s the best way to align them to drive…
Do you want some inspiration for your life? Here are 15 of the best Purpose Quotes to get you moving.…
Purpose synonyms are other words that have a similar meaning to purpose. And this is a great way to deepen…
Previously, I shared 11 corporate purpose statement examples. I thought they were generic - many companies could claim the same…
Today I’m sharing 11 purpose statement examples from global companies. You’ll know the companies but you may not know their…
Your personal mission statement is a way for you to state your mission or assignment in your life. To inspire…
What is a manifesto? To find out the obvious thing to do is look up a dictionary definition. But manifesto…
All of these manifesto examples are about one thing: change. But what sort of change do you want to make?…
Manifestos are about change and there are two types of change. You’re either saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to something. Today…